Cork College of FET, Kinsale Campus


Cork College of FET, Kinsale Campus


Cork College of FET, Kinsale Campus


Professional Bartending,
including cocktails & wine

Take the first step!


Onsite at Westside Hospitality Centre


  • QQI Level 5 Beverage Service (5N2019).


Our popular Professional Bartending include Cocktails course runs three times a year. In this thee week programme, learners develop the skills develop an understanding of Bartending work. After completing the programme learners are qualified to work as a bartender.


  • Understand and apply professional bartending skills
  • Prepare a bar for service
  • Demonstrate beverage product knowledge; wine, beer, cider, spirits and liqueurs
  • Display drink building techniques and serve customers with hot and cold beverages
  • Know the characteristics and mixing of cocktails
  • Make drinks and cocktails, choosing suitable glassware
  • Customer service
  • Apply responsible service of alcohol guidelines
  • Clean and check equipment


Applicants apply online on
Applicants must be over 18 years of age.

Applicants should have achieved an award at or equivalent to Level 3 of the National Framework of Qualifications; or have relevant work and/or life experience appropriate to this programme.

Applicants should have a good standard of English.

The ideal candidate is outgoing and interested in hospitality sector and is customer focused.

Those from outside the EEA or Common Travel Area must provide evidence of Stamp Four status to undertake this course.


  • How much does the course cost?
    There are no course fees for the course.
  • What hours are involved?
    This is a full time course. The course times are 8.30am- 3.45pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am – 12.45pm on Friday.
  • What funding is available?
    If you are in receipt of social welfare payment, you may be entitled to a training allowance for the programme duration.
  • How is the course assessed?
    The course is assessed through a mixture of continuous assessment and examination. Continuous assesment occurs throughout the year and includes written assignments and skills demonstration of practice skills. Learners will be required to display both practical skills and the associated knowledge in order to complete the assessments.
  • Is there work experience?
    No there is no work experience as part of this programme.
  • Can this course be offered bespoke for partner companies?
    Yes, this course can be offered as a bespoke course for a partner company to upskill and reskill existing staff. For more information contact Bespoke courses can be timetabled in a way that suits the need of the partner company. Course fees will be covered under Skills to Advance.


Tel: (021) 485 6249